Analysis of Factors Affecting Profitability in Trading Sector Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Hikmah Hikmah


This research aims to study the effect of inventory turnover, receivable turnover, and capital working turnover on profitability in trading companies that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2015-2019.This can be a consideration for the company to improve company’s performance and also investors as one of the factor in making decision to invest. The population consisted of 27 companies with the sample technique used was purposive sampling. The sample in this study were companies that met the criteria, there were 8 companies with 40 data. The data is collected using secondary data which is taken through the official website and processed using SPSS application (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 25. Based on the results, simultaneous inventory turnover, receivable turnover, and working capital turnover has an influence on profitability. Meanwhile, inventory turnover and capital working turnover partially do not have a significant effect on profitability of retail trading sub-sector trading companies that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange.


Capital Working Turnover; Profitability; Receivable Turnover

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