Konsep Value For Money untuk Pengukuran Kinerja pada Kantor Imigrasi Pangkalpinang

Yunita Maharani, Rafika Sari


This research intends to determine the performance of immigration office pangkalpinang in 201-2020 based on: 1) economy ratio, 2) efficiency ratio, and (3)effectiveness ratio. This research is a descriptive by analyzing progress report of immigration  in pangkalpinang 2018-2020. Data collection method is documentation and Data analysis tool is value for money concept. The results of the research concludes that the performance  Office immigration on has been: 1) economically  with economy ratio averagely under 100%; 2) efficiently conducted with efficiency averagely under 100%; 3) effectively conducted with effectivenessration of 100% in average.


Keywords: economy, efficiency, and effectiveness


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35314/iakp.v2i1.1919


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